Solutions are developed on solid concepts of systems engineering.

From design until delivery, a structured flow of activities insure meeting technical specifications, schedules and cost goals, of vital importance for our customers.

The design considers life cycle, compatibility, logistic, and future updates and upgrades.

DESA successfully develops partial modernizations of subsystems or modules that suffer technical or o logistic defects, integrating them to existing systems.

This partial modernization extends the useful life with reduced costs compared to a complete replacement.

As part of system delivery, DESA supplies detailed technical documentation as well as operation and maintenance training for personnel.

An essential strategy of our developments is the use of COTS (Commercial off the shelf) components with high specifications.
These enable design flexibility and customer's independence of spares acquisition and ensure that a wide supplier base for logistic support.

A system delivery does not end with the customer's acceptance. The extended lifecycles require collaborating with our customers in keeping the system's performance.

When integrating complex systems, sometimes cooperation is the only possible way. DESA has established numerous cooperation agreements with other companies for the successful termination of projects.

Its company structure gives us the freedom to set up these agreements when they prove to be beneficial for both parties.

DESA S.A, Sucre 2235, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile - (56) 222050141, (56) 222042656 -